Having to meet the medical deductible before prescriptions are covered at either 70% (Basic) or 80% (Standard). Certain preventive medications are free.



You want separate medical and prescription deductibles and to pay a set amount (copay) depending on the type of drug.


Are you trying to pick a plan?

When you enroll in an A-B Cigna medical plan, you will automatically receive coverage through Express Scripts.

If you enroll in Cigna's Basic or Standard Plan...

You will have a combined medical and prescription drug deductible, which you will have to pay to pay before the plan starts sharing the cost of your prescriptions with you (unless you fill one of the free preventive medications).

Once you've met the deductible, your prescriptions will be 70% covered with Basic and 80% covered with Standard.

Generics are required and home delivery is less expensive than using a retail pharmacy.

If you enroll in Cigna's Plus Plan...

You'll have a separate prescription drug deductible and medical plan deductible. This gives you extra protection against high cost medications.

You will pay a fixed amount for generic prescriptions and a portion of the drug cost (up to a maximum amount) for preferred brand or non-preferred brand prescriptions.

If you go to a retail pharmacy (to receive up to 30 day supply)

Retail Drug Type


Preferred Brand

Non-Preferred Brand

You Pay




The Plan Pays

100% (after your $10 copay)



If you use home delivery (to receive up to 90 day supply)

Retail Drug Type


Preferred Brand

Non-Preferred Brand

You Pay




The Plan Pays

100% (after your $20 copay)



Understanding your prescription drug coverage

If you're enrolled in Cigna's Basic or Standard plan, fill certain preventive medications (including some cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure medications) for free.

Check out the Annual Enrollment guide in the Benefits Portal's More Resources section to learn more.

If you enroll in a Cigna medical plan, you can register for an Express Scripts account to find covered retail pharmacies, price prescriptions or manage refills.

If you're wondering what a type of medication will cost, here's some high level information.

  • Generic drugs are the least expensive option. To keep your costs as low as possible for a medication you take regularly to treat a long-term condition (a maintenance medication), switch to home delivery after 3 refills at a retail pharmacy.
  • Preferred brand drugs are less expensive than non-preferred brand drugs, which Express Scripts, pharmacists and doctors have designated as safe and appropriate medications for certain conditions.
  • Non-preferred drugs are more expensive. You can check the price of a prescription drug using Express Scripts' drug pricing tool and can always ask your doctor if there are cheaper alternative treatments available.

Estimate the cost of filling a prescription

Express Scripts' pricing tool helps you find the most affordable and convenient way to fill specific prescriptions.

Get started by logging into your Express Scripts account.

Click Menu, then Prescriptions then Price a Medication.

If you're wondering what a type of medication will cost, here's some high level information.

  • Generic drugs are the least expensive option. To keep your costs as low as possible for a medication you take regularly to treat a long-term condition (a maintenance medication), switch to home delivery after 3 refills at a retail pharmacy.
  • Preferred brand drugs are less expensive than non-preferred brand drugs, which Express Scripts, pharmacists and doctors have designated as safe and appropriate medications for certain conditions.
  • Non-preferred drugs are more expensive. You can check the price of a prescription drug using Express Scripts' drug pricing tool and can always ask your doctor if there are cheaper alternative treatments available.

Learn more about Prior Authorizations

It can be frustrating when you can’t fill your prescription immediately.

To help you manage the process with Express Scripts, we recommend reviewing this information about prior authorizations. It outlines options if your pharmacist isn’t able to reach your doctor right away.

Express Scripts can be reached at (800) 818-9285.

Key contacts if you need help

Express Scripts

(800) 818-9285Website

Kaiser Permanente CA

(800) 464-4000Website

If you are an HMSA member, please reach out to (800) 776-4672.

More Information:



Key Contacts