Learn about pet insurance from Nationwide

Tired of searching for pet insurance? You can now access Pet Insurance through My AB Discounts, which means one-stop shopping for year-round savings.

Nationwide pet insurance lets you use any vet in all 50 states and receive reimbursement for vet bills and benefits for emergency boarding, lost pet advertising and access to a 24/7 vethelpline®.

Looking for dog and cat coverage information? Call (877) 738-7874 or check out A-B's Nationwide site.

If you have a snake, bird or hamster, your exotic pet can also be covered under Nationwide plans. Call (888) 899-4874 to learn more.

If you need to submit a claim, please take a photo of your invoice, log into your account, enter a few additional details and then submit.

Find a pet sitter through Bright Horizons

Need last minute care for your furry (or otherwise) friend?

Find pet sitters through Bright Horizons’ website with Sittercity, which connects you to individuals in your area who offer care for dogs, cats, horses, reptiles and other pets.

Eligible employees can register for Bright Horizons here to get started! Once logged in, you can find Sittercity in the top menu; you will be asked to create a username and password.

Save on pet gear with My AB Discounts

Save money with discounts on pet toys, treats, supplies, pet sitter and walking services, and more with My AB Discounts!

Start saving by going into the Benefits Portal and accessing My AB Discounts.

Adopt a pet with Health Advocate's resources

Take advantage of Pet Finder if you want to adopt a new best friend (dogs and cats, of course, but you can also find horses, goats, fish, and more!) or check out pet care information and FAQs on Health Advocate’s website.

We can't promise that a Clydesdale will be available to adopt near your location, though you can certainly search for one. Clydesdales are pretty popular.

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